Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Suffolk puff ideas..

There are so many different craft ideas for Suffolk puffs or yo-yos. They can look daggy or tacky if you're not careful but some things are quite interesting and they can add texture, colour and pattern to projects.. Some of the fashion ideas would be interesting to make. I have already made my Suffolk puff dress for the races and would love to give some of the other ideas a go.. A quilt would take forever but that would be another great project and one day I will be making some of the toys.. I could see the puffs put onto elastic for the toys..

crochet and yo-yo edging
Necklace- inspiration for a shirt neckline..
Tiny puff scarf
Scarf- Actually crochet but similar style- Love the colour and  size of circles
TINY yo-yo bracelet- start circle size of $2 coin
Yo-yo bag- great colours too
Other Suffolk puff dresses on my previous post
Yo-yo clown doll- I think I will be making one of these some day
Caterpillar toy
Elephant yo-yo doll
Yo-yo pumpkins

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