Friday, May 2, 2014

Yard Games

Outside games a heaps of fun! But what about classic games made giant to play outside, and I'm not just talking about giant chess sets, but giant Jenga, Yahtzee, Dominos, Scrabble, Connect-a-4, Pick-up-sticks, Kerplunk, Battleship as well as real life Quidditch and Angry Birds! I want to have a summer or spring party just so I can play them! Some would even be fun at a wedding reception!

3.5 inches  Yard Yahtzee
Twister on the grass
via - DIY instructions here. I WILL be making this!
Yard Scrabble or Boggle from cardboard
Use plates and squares blocked out on cement for checkers
Night time bowling with glow sticks
Giant Guess Who!
Water Games
Drinking game- or just big battleships